Thursday Swap'n Shop

Jan 19, 2012 at 09:05 am by bryan

 For Sale: Pronto power wheel chair $600 (like new condition) 624-6363

Wants: black Angus bull weighing approximately 1,000 lbs 893-9418 (after 3PM)

For Sale: firewood $40/rick (and can deliver); Wants: wood burning stove 895-6195

For Sale: 2 Predator tickets for Jan. 23 (seats 15 and 16 on row 306) 2 for $50 or $30 each; 1956 Chevy (restored, 350 engine; power; 4-door) $10,000; bumper pool table 243-7736

For Sale: size 6 promo dress (long and black with sleeves) paid $460 and will sell for $150; GEO Safari electronic game to educate children ($116 new) sell for $50; set of RF books for kids (6-10 set) $4 491-5372

For Sale: several antique pieces from her dad's plantation; 1998 Toyota 4 x 4 T-100 pickup with new tires and has liner; Wants: to hire personal assistant/organizer at $10 per hour 809-7634

For Sale: rocking chair $20 355-7534

For Sale: 350 Chevy motor; chickens; Wants: steering column for 1990 Chevy truck 563-9844

For Sale: old cast-iron corn sheller $100; old hand crank sausage grinder $50; Civil War relics $100 for all 631-0410

For Sale: 1995 Chevy Blazer, 4 wheel drive, $1,000 785-7528


Sections: Swap and Shop