Oaklands "Candlelight Tour of Homes" Locations Announced

Nov 09, 2019 at 11:36 am by bryan

(MURFREESBORO) Oaklands Mansion has released the locations of the homes that are a part of the 4:00 to 8:00PM, December 7, 2019, Candlelight Tour of Homes.

The cornerstone of the tour is the grand Oaklands Mansion. At its peak, Oaklands was the center of a 1,500- acre plantation and one of the most elegant homes in Rutherford County. Since that time, Oaklands has seen dramatic changes. Following the Civil War, it deteriorated from a majestic mansion to virtual ruins and, in the 1950's, its very existence was threatened. The mansion was brought back from the brink of destruction, saved from the wrecking ball when a group of concerned ladies created Oaklands Association in 1959. Since that time, the Association has worked tirelessly to restore Oaklands to its original splendor and preserve its unique history.

Purchase advance tickets (either online at www.oaklandsmansion.org or in the museum shop) by 4 p.m. on Thursday, December 5th and receive a special price of $20.00 for adults. Tickets purchased after 4 p.m. on December 5th will be available only online and at the door for $25.00 per adult and $10.00 for students ages 6-12. This event is free for ages 5 and under. On the night of the tour, tickets can be purchased at any home on the tour or at Oaklands' Museum Shop for $25 for adults and $10 for students ages 6-12.

The 2019 Candlelight Tour of Homes is made possible through the generous support of: Atmos Energy Corporation, Debbie & Mark Crocker, Cultivate Coworking, Durham Realty & Auction Co., Inc., Franklin Synergy Bank, Vera Greer, Hall Davidson & Associates Steve Fuchcar, CPA, Hylabrook Antique Mall, Mary Catherine & David Sevier, Judy & Thomas Smith, and Susan & Judge Royce Taylor.

Oaklands Mansion is a non-profit educational organization. For information on becoming a sponsor, please call (615) 893-0022 or email info@oaklandsmansion.org.

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