February 21st, 2012 (Severe Weather Awareness Week)

Feb 21, 2012 at 12:03 pm by bryan

Bryan talks to Nashville National Weather Service Warning Coordination Meteorologist Tom Johnstone about severe weather. It's Severe Weather Awareness Week in Tennessee. Each day has a specific focus. We've provided some links below to information about SWAW along with Bryan's interview...


Severe Weather Awareness Week Brochure

Upcoming Storm Spotter Classes

Tornado Drill Wednesday, February 22nd at 930 AM CST

Awareness Events:
Sunday, February 19 - Important Role of SKYWARN Spotters.
Monday, February 20 - Hazards of Flooding and Flash Floods.
Tuesday, February 21 - Lightning, the Underrated Killer.

Wednesday, February 22 - Tornado Safety and Preparedness.  Tornado Drill Day
Thursday, February 23 - Severe Thunderstorms and the Devastating Effects of Severe Storms.
Friday, February 24 - NOAA Weather Radio and The Emergency Alert System.

Sections: Rutherford Issues Podcast