For Sale: Dell computer; Panasonic 27-inch TV with remote $50 974-7828
For Sale: GE above stove microwave; small storage building 653-0769
For Sale: early American hutch $250; several lunch boxes with comic book characters (23 boxes for $50); light-up Marboro sign 624-6363
Found Dog: small female brown colored Terrier on Cedar Grove Road 893-2474
Wants: go cart for son 318-0060 (Charles)
Yard Sale: 310 Palm Court 7AM Friday and Saturday 569-0933
For Sale: 2003 Ford Expedition; 2006 tag along 31-foot travel trailer 578-7991
Wants: flutes for a young lady who is teaching children in a foreign land 890-8474
For Sale: Craftsman tool box (on wheels); Husky tool box on wheels $150 each 890-1540
For Sale: 16 bulb tanning bed $450 692-2401
For Sale: coffee and end tables (white); umbrella with tray; bedroom suite and dresser 593-0029
For Sale: upright grand piano; computer desk 569-7734