For Sale: loveseat that makes a bed $50 890-4401
For Sale: Troy Bilt riding mower for $150 – 838-5362
For Sale: GE Microwave and brand new cans of 7 Dust and concrete deck blocks 653-0769
For Sale: Three TV's for $20 ea. 225-7413
YARD SALE: 433 Jackson St. under carport 8AM – 3PM
FREE: Computer desk for free 895-6371
Garage Sale: 1024 E. Jeffereson Pike 971-2188
For Sale: Mazda Protagae 485-1258
For Sale: Five foot cedar porch swing and an oak swing and a 19” flatscreen TV/DVD player and a solid oak stairwell 506-8353
For Rent: Apartment on N. Maple and FOR SALE: Ford F-150 – 427-9488
WANTED: Three 9' long posts – 731-443-4246
For Sale: Abraham Lincoln Statues and cell phones and a printer and a scanner – 589-8809
WANTED: Small tiller for a flower garden 890-2901
For Sale: 1956 Chevy BelAire for $8500 and horse pasture for rent (4-ac.) and a bumper pool table 243-7736
For Sale: upright GRAND piano and a 4X8 sheet of plywood for $10 – 569-7734
For Sale: Cricket phone for $20 – 974-7828