For Sale: 2000 S-10 Truck for sale, 4-wheel drive, ext cab and a tool box for a large truck for $20 and WANT 1985 Chevy Truck with short wheel base – 563-9844
For Sale: Canoe for $200 569-7751
For Sale: Weedeaters and mowers 890-4742
For Sale: computer desk for $20 and plywood for $10 and a TV (13”) and a DVD player for $10 – 569-7734
For Sale: Elec. Cook Stove – flat top – and a matching dishwasher and WANT a trailer 895-1258
For Sale: 2003 Ford Expedition and a 2006 camper 578-7991
For Sale; 8-track tapes – big variety for .25-cents each - 556-7089
For FREE – Puppies 542-5085
For Sale: Boston Terrier puppies and Chihuahua 896-8141
For Sale: pool table $400; treadmill $200; refrigerator $150 970-9202
For Sale: 2 full-length prom dresses $75 each; microwave (still in box, for over stove) $75 427-9689
Yard Sale: for Domestic Violence 7AM this Friday at 4447 Shelbyville Highway (across from trailer sales) 896-7377
For Sale: 1998 Polaris 4 x 4 4-wheeler; microwave 653-0769
Clean-Up: 24 x 24-foot storage area to clean and sweep it out—they get to keep what's in it! 890-0858
For Sale: Cricket phone $20; coffee cup set $10 900-9282