For Sale: 1985 Silverado pickup; large desk; 3-family YARD SALE at 395 Barker Rd. in Readyville (thru Sat. 8:30AM-?) 563-9844
For Sale: travel trailer; 2005 Ford Expedition (loaded) 578-7991
For Sale: Cricket phone (with charger) 542-4049
For Sale: sheet of ¾ inch plywood $10; color TV with DVD $10; computer desk $20 569-7734
For Sale: apartment size microwave $20; side by side refrigerator with water and ice in door 853-9913
For Sale: 10 rolls of orchard grass and clover mix hay 477-3492
For Sale: electric stove; dishwasher 895-1258
Event: Call Sgt. Cassidy at RCSO about getting involved in the 9/11 event at sheriffs office 904-3019
For Sale: radio shack scanner $250; 1900's Queen Anne antique couch; canvas paintings 809-7634
For Sale: 10-month old chickens 563-2130
For Sale: Whirlpool stove $70 and refrigerator $110; small window AC (5,000 BTU) $30 439-5778
For Sale: 4 x 5-foot trailer $180 731-225-8239
For Sale: canoe $200 569-7751
For Rent: horse pasture; For Sale: 1956 Chevy; bumper pool table 243-7736
Wants: to rent studio apartment for 3-months 893-1125
For Sale: electric keyboard organ; mobile home trailer; cell phone 589-8809
For Sale: 2003 F-150 Ford pickup; 3 boar goats; full size truck tool box 427-9488