For Sale: 1985 Silverado pickup (runs great); motorcycle; set of torches 563-9844
For Sale: 300CC 4-wheel drive Polaris; microwave (above range); 653-0769
For Sale: full size oak desk $15; 40 33 1/3 albums $1 each; Wants: white Cornish bantam chickens 274-3255
For Sale: refrigerator $300 (side by side with ice, water, etc. in door) 853-9913
For Sale: game hens and pullets 890-3540
For Sale: Chihuahua and Pomeranian puppies 896-8141
For Sale: upright grand piano (over 100-years old); computer desk $20; sheet of plywood $10 569-7734
For Sale: Whirlpool stove $70; large capacity Whirlpool refrigerator (white) $175 439-5778
For Rent: 4 acres of horse pasture with barn and pond; For Sale: 1956 Chevy $8,500; bumper pool table 243-7736
For Sale: 19-inch TV/DVD $125; 5-foot porch swing with chain $130 506-8353
Wants: riding mower 971-4327
For Sale: 2002 Chevy Silverado 896-7018