Free: 2 year old neutered tabby cat (needs good home with no children) 900-1180
For Sale: utility trailer 653-0769
For Sale: upright grand piano; computer desk 569-7734
Yard Sale: Friday only, 4-families, on Rutherford Blvd, between Mercury and E. Main (starts 7AM-?) 971-0877
Free: 2-year old Border Collie-Blue Healer mix, good with children 849-5099
For Sale: Schwinn new 3-wheel bike 896-1560 after 5PM
For Rent: horse pasture with barn and water; For Sale: 1956 Chevy Bel-Air $8,500; wireless mic/guitar pickup 243-7736
For Sale: VCR $20 542-4049
For Sale: 12 x 24-foot building (great for storage, gutters and AC) $3,200 542-3689
For Sale: AC $500 (1,000 BTU) 893-5076
For Sale: HP computer modem $75 319-3514
For Sale: fishing lures (custom made) 796-8626
Yard Sale: 5307 Elam Rd. 7M-? Friday and Saturday 427-9488