Wednesday Swap'n Shop

Jun 06, 2012 at 08:28 am by bryan

For Sale: dresser with mirror; VCR $20; coffee cups $10 for a box 439-8129

For Sales: Craftsman riding 42-inch riding mower; left handed bow; Ford 8N tractor 563-9844

For Sale: pressure washer (6HP 2,200 PSI) $80; large dog house $10 568-1361

For Sale: 12 x 12 $500 dutch barn; 10 x 16-foot unit $800 904-2544

For Sale: 21-inch Polen push mower $40 424-1354

For Sale: white camper topper with windows $50 (long-bed truck) 893-9418

Wants: old Bible; 20 x 27-inch picture of Jesus; dark wood chest of drawers 617-0313

For Sale: 2 black tigers about 4-feet tall and with green eyes; Singer sewing machine; Yard Sale: Thu-Sat @ Sedrick (off Florence Rd.) 593-0029

Wants: motorized skateboard looking things for children; dining room drop leaf maple tab;e and a 54-inch circle oak $50 each (will trade for motorized skateboard) 848-0463

For Sale: curio cabinet; chest of drawers 295-5505

For Sale: 4 antique full-size bedspreads 653-8052

For Sale: upright grand piano; computer desk 569-7734

For Sale: coffee table and 2 end tables (oak with marble top) $150 for all 3 893-1543

Lost Dog: tan and white Chihuahua (Tiny)lost Sunday around 5PM at Good will store (has been spotted in Home Depot area) 895-0588


Sections: Swap and Shop