For Sale: 10-speed bike (new with helmet) $150; bull horns $250; fishing rods 295-5505
Yard Sale: today and Thursday (7AM-?) 5341 Welchance Rd. 319-8508
For Sale: PA wedge $70; cherry vanity with round mirror and stool $50; 5 x 7-ft. area rug 557-6746
For Sale: grader blade; trailers (1 is car hauler); Yard Sale: today on Barker Rd. in Readyville 563-9844
For Sale: upright grand piano; computer desk 569-7734
For Sale: queen-size brass bed $40 410-7935
For Sale: 220 volt AC and heater; 5th wheel hitch 962-7136
For Sale: 2 twin-beds with springs $30 each; stereo system (speakers and amp) 971-4327
For Sale: 2 lamps $5 for pair; 4 Rubbermaid 1.5 gallon cereal containers; glass light (new) 631-6930
For Sale: 2000 Nissan Maxima $5,200 306-4613
For Sale: bench grinder; skill saw; Craftsman router 895-1688
For Sale: oak entertainment system with TV 893-5725
For Sale: motor scooter; antique safe; tiller 896-7018
For Sale: tomatoes and okra (home grown) 896-1243
Wants: 5-6 gallon car boy glass bottle (several) 542-2616