For Sale: 3 trailers (one is car hauler); 1985 Silverado; riding mower 563-9844
For Sale: 4-wheeler; rear tyne tiller 653-0769
For Sale: child's guitar; adult's acoustic guitar 869-9349
For Sale: 20+ Southern Gospel CD's $10 for all; computer desk $20; upright grand piano 569-7734
For Sale: 2000 Nissan Maxima $5,000 306-4613
For Sale: Whirlpool AC $290 893-5476
For Sale: antique pedal sewing machine $125; push mower $20; Yard Sale: Thu and Fri at 2107 Foxdale Dr. 568-1361
For Sale: oak DR table with 8 chair; For Rent: 1 BR apartment and mobile home 895-5746
For Sale: camper trailer; Star Trek collectibles; bagless vacuum cleaner 589-8809
For Sale: male donkeys (7-month old); pair of Call ducks $20 each; guineas 848-3590
For Sale: brass queen-size 520-240-2189
For Sale: window AC; swivel office chair with arms; central vacuum motor and tank 893-5353
For Sale: 2 milk cans $50; 5th wheel with accessories 962-7136
For Sale: cook books $5 each; cake pans with tips 563-8320
For Sale: 2 female Boston Terrier Bulldogs (7-months); Poodle (mix) 896-8141