For Sale: 2000 Nissan Maxima, 145 K miles, $4,900 306-4613
Multi-Family Yard Sale: 7AM-? Friday and Saturday at 1522 Twin Oak Drive 809-4592
For Sale: Lowery C-300 Promenade organ $500 890-4401
For Sale: 1983 Chevy Scottsdale 4-wheel drive truck (Johnny after 5PM) 974-5647
For Sale: set of 4 wooden tray tables with holder $30; 4-inch aluminum milk can shakers; GE AC 10,000BTU $175 631-6930
For Sale: aquarium; vacuum; camper trailer 900-9635
For Sale: old Grateful Dead poster; 3 Stooges poster; antique mirror on stand 295-5505
For Sale: double bed with light brown headboard $10 556-7089
For Sale: box of VCR movies; 2 bikes; keyboard 569-3971