Matt McBride

Sep 03, 2012 at 07:40 am by bryan

A teen was driving alone when she heard a pop, and lost control of her car. She was able to stop without a crash, but the two front tires were off the rims. Her mother was called, but she was many miles away and it took awhile for her to get there. Paramedic Matt McBride stayed with the teen until her mom arrived. The mother told WGNS that Paramedic McBride told her he didn't want to leave her alone on the side of the road and vulnerable. She said, "As a mom, I'm thankful he went above the call of duty to watch out for my baby." Paramedic Matt McBride with the Rutherford County Emergency Medical Services is our Demos' "Outstanding Emergency Responder".  

Sections: Emergency Responder