For Sale: recliner $20 609-0153
For Sale: antique DR set with 4 ladder back chairs; other antiques 979-4595
Yard Sale: 1126 Houston Drive 7AM-5PM Friday 890-5174
For Sale: 5 -shelf hutch with glass doors $225; TV Guardian (fowl language filter); 6-qt. Electric roaster oven 631-6930
For Sale: miniature Chihuahua puppies 617-7626
For Sale: big 3-wheel stroller with brakes $35; Fergusson farm tractor $1,200 869-9349
Wants: items to be donated for a benefit next month 568-2698
For Sale: Craftsman mulching mower; Honda engine (good for go cart or pressure washer) 895-1688
For Sale: 10 new aluminum roof and ridge vents $40 for all (in box); Igloo dog house; Murray 30-inch mower 979-2408
Wants: someone to bring lava rock to their home, and will pay $150 812-8912
Yard Sale: 310 Palm Court on 7AM-? Friday and Saturday 569-0933
Yard Sale: today at 3442 Birchwood Circle (off Franklin Road, off Rucker Ln.) with tools, antique, newborn clothes and more; Saturday 2 neighbors join them.
For Sale: quadra-jet 4 barrel carburetor $100 631-0410
Yard Sale: this morning 10AM thru Saturday with kid's clothes, baby's items at 4447 Shelbyville Highway (near Christiana School) 653-6651
For Sale: Whirlpool new AC $200 893-5476