For Sale: Two LL Bean Foam Cotts (NEW) for $75 and an antique RCA Record Player for $350 and antique mantle clocks 295-5505
For Sale: Printer (scanner and more) for $85 will deliver 979-4595
For Sale: Table (long table with leafs) and a chair and TV with a DVD player call 569-3971
For Sale: Game Chickens and a 1985 Silverado Truck and a 1991 Ford Tempo 563-9844
WANTED: Used kitchen Stove 896-1282
For Sale: Solid Wood Desk 30”x60”x32” for $25 and a glide rocker with a foot stool for $25 and a 30” Oak Three way living room lamp for $35 – 631-6930
For Sale: Several home interior figurines and two cedar rocking chairs and exercise bike 895-2037
For Sale: Antique cedar Chest and a .40 Smith and Wesson and a .38 snubnose and a tilt trailer 931-575-9861
For Sale: Two bikes (men's and women's) $30 ea. - 867-1010
For Sale: Mscobee Ducks (of age) $25 a pair and selling a female for $15 – 615-587-5187
For SalE: Two vehicles – Cadillac and an Expedition 578-7991
For Sale: Jr. Breakfront set with a glass front (Like a China Cabinet) - $200 – 962-9383and selling a student computer desk (oak) $25
For Sale: Whirlpool Air Conditioner for $200 – 893-5476
For Sale: Gas 20,000 BTU Wall Heater for $125 and a wing back floral color chair and a sleeper bench for $30 – 893-4551