For Sale: table saw, a tractor and a 1991 Ford Tempo call 563-9844
For Sale: Adult Wheelchair for $160 obo – 596-4013
For Sale: 104 eight oz hot or cold cups for $5 and a Humphrey gas light – classic chrome for $35 and a set of 4-tray tables for $30 – 631-6930
For Sale: Three women's coats in excellent condition, all size 14 $20 ea. All waterproof and selling four cake pans, one for stand up dolls and several others for $12 and three halloween capes for $3 ea. 848-0463
For Sale: Computer desk for $20 and an upright grand piano and a box of CD's for $10 – call 569-7734
FREE KITTENS – Four available – very people friendly – 962-7871
WANTED: cheap dependable car or truck – call 898-8366
WANTED: Gas tank for a Murray riding mower and WANT a Kohler engine for a riding mower and selling a Yard Man lawnmower without the deck – 525-1968
For Sale: 1992 Chevy S-10 for $2700 and a Next brand Mountain Bike for $60 and a Gibson Acoustic Guitar for $80 – 895-9834
For Sale; Murray push mower in for $30 call 305-0647
For Sale: Dodge Dakota year 2008 with 47k miles for $6500 and a TroyBilt riding mower for $800 – call 273-2460
For Sale: A box of StarWars characters – an entire box of these - $150 for all – and selling a child sized train from the early 1970's and has 28' of track – $100 – call 556-7089
For Sale: 1997 Nissan Maxima for $1400 – 396-8197
For Sale: Copy machine and fax for $50 and an antique dining room set for $75 – 615-979-4595