For Sale: 4-qt. Corningware dish; fowl language TV filter 631-6930
For Sale: 1965 GMC ½ ton dump truck $1,200 477-3492
For Sale: game hens; heavy table saw; 2-wheel trailer 563-9844
For Sale: large 3-room tent (18 x 90 x 12-feet tall) $85; professional white table cloths (custom made oval) 848-0463
For Sale: 1988 GMC custom van, loaded, full power 207-0897
For Sale: upright grand piano; computer desk $20; box of 20 Southern Gospel CD's $10 569-7734
For Sale: set of Pack-A-Myre handgun grips $20; pocket knives; cedar rocking chair 895-2037
For Sale: boy's 26-inch 18-speed bicycle $25; set arm rests for Chevy truck (1989 era) 867-1010
For Sale: Cadillac SUV; Ford Expedition 578-7991
For Sale: big screen TV $200; Wants: car ($500 range) 900-9635
For Sale: 3 male donkeys; blue and white pigeons; turnip greens $2.50 per small plastic bag 848-3590
For Sale: bourbon carpet 893-1543
For Sale: 1997 Dodge 4 x 4, V-8, automatic pickup; 1986 Toyota 4 x 4---$3,000 each 893-2474
For Sale: 135 bales of dry grass hay $4 each 330-6856