For Sale: wine cabinet; antique crank victrola; beer stein collection 295-5505
For Sale: canner with rack; stainless steel pots; rear-tine tiller $150 631-6930
For Sale: ¾ HP electric motor $20; 16-inch Polon chain saw $50 424-1354
Yard Sale: This Saturday (7AM-?) at 2051 Alexander Blvd., a woman died and her family is selling all of her belongings (100%).
For Sale: table saw; game hens; pea fowls 563-9844
For Sale: upright grand piano; computer desk; old Dragnet TV show DVD's 569-7734
For Sale: like new DeWalt planter; router 893-7357
For Sale: Denim Days; Home Interior pictures 896-2867
For Sale: Home schooling books; pocket knives; exercise bike 895-2037
For Sale: 6-month old rabbit and it's kid friendly $20; Wants: exotic chickens 753-4513
For Sale: Craftsman bench saw $100; 12 x 12 ceramic tile 663-7788
For Sale: new set of armests for 1989 Chevy or GMC truck; 26-inch girl's bike 867-1010
For Sale: 1947 Desoto; antique safe; yard sale items 896-7018
Free: 8-week olf kittens 962-7871