Tuesday Swap'n Shop

Oct 23, 2012 at 09:01 am by bryan

For Sale: Royal 3000 table saw; 2 girl’s bicycles; chickens  563-9844

Wants: antique copper bed knobs; For Sale: 2 man raft; Wilton pewter plates (8) $50  848-0463

For Sale: computer desk $20; Dragnet DVD’s $10; Free: color TV (it works)  569-7734

Found: black and brown colored Chihuahua with collar and white chain attached. Found on Sloan St. 895-2503

For Sale: Honda 400 DX 4-wheeler (for sale or trade for small car)  542-4528

For Sale: RCA crank Victrola $200; curio cabinet (2)  295-5505

Free: old piano  459-0316

For Sale: 2 full-size sled bed; washer and dryer   962-7136

For Sale: glider rocker with stool $20; 30-inch oak lamp $35; maple end table $30  631-6930

For Sale: 12 x 12 tile squares (6 boxes) $20; Craftsman 10-inch bench saw  893-5794

For Sale: pine entertainment center; full-size truck toolbox; Free: half Pyrenees puppies   895-5746

For Sale: 1971 tri-hull boat with walk-thru windshield, 85HP motor $750, new tires on trailer  513-5246

For Sale: box of GI Joe stuff; Franklin Mint plates; guitar and amp (starter kit) 900-9468

For Sale: kerosene lamps; pocket knives-gun grips; exercise bike  895-2037

Sections: Swap and Shop