Pat Murphy Elected to United Way of Tennessee Board of Directors
Nov 21, 2012 at 11:16 am by
United Ways of Tennessee, the association of 38 United Ways in the state, has elected its board of directors for 2013, including several new additions and key officers. Pat Murphy, Plant Manager for General Mills in Murfreesboro, was elected to serve as a board member. Bryce Haugsdahl, UWTN Board Chair, says they're very pleased to have Pat Murphy as a new at-large board member. General Mills has been recognized nationally by United Way, and Pat's leadership has been invaluable both within his plant and on the United Way of Rutherford and Cannon Counties’ board. Murphy has served as the Plant Manager in Murfreesboro for seven and a half years, and has been with General Mills for a total of 24 years. He has volunteered with several United Way operations throughout his career, including service as the Board Chair for United Way of Grayson County in Texas. Locally, Murphy has served on the United Way of Rutherford and Cannon Counties' board since 2008, including leadership roles such as Campaign Chair and Board Chair. Murphy's election to the UWTN board follows the conclusion of service from Don Witherspoon, also affiliated with the United Way of Rutherford and Cannon Counties as a Tocqueville Society member and former UWRCC board member. Don and his wife, Hanna, have a UWRCC award named in their honor, the Witherspoon Society Award, which is bestowed upon those who have exemplified United Way’s high ideals of commitment to community through giving, advocating, and volunteering.