Mail a Free County Courthouse Postcard in Murfreesboro

Nov 26, 2012 at 04:01 pm by bryan

         One local businessman remembers the time when cards were written this time of year inviting family and friends to come home for Christmas.

         Celebrating 25 years in business, Bill Brison, owner of Appletons Creative Framers, has printed a replica antique card showing the County Courthouse decorated for the holidays.

         Brison says the postcards are free and if folks will write a note to someone they want to come home for Christmas, he’ll pay the postage to mail it.

          “It’s a bit of nostalgia in a day and age when we normally just send a text or e-mail, Brison said, I thought it might be fun to see what a handwritten note might do to let others know we miss them and would love for them to make it home for the holidays.”

         Not that many years ago brothers and sisters, mothers and fathers, dropped a handwritten note to folks and let them know how much they were missed. “It might even be fun for children to write a note and who knows maybe some could be sent to the North Pole.”

Asked how many he printed Brison said he started with 1000 but wouldn’t mind a bit to print more.

         The postcards are available at a few places around the downtown but for sure can be picked up at Appletons, 124 North Spring Street just off the Murfreesboro Square.

         Folks can write them and leave them or take them and dropped them off in the mailbox out front of the shop and Appletons will put the stamp on them and send them on their way.

         “It’s just a small way to let those we care about know we are thinking about them and maybe, just maybe, they’ll consider coming home for Christmas, the owner said.

“How fun it would be to know if it worked!”

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