MOMENTUM RUN 2020 on Saturday

Jul 06, 2020 at 10:02 am by WGNS


Saturday, July 4, saw Rod Key and the walkers/runners of MOMENTUM RUN, led by fitness trainer Rod Key of (Key Fitness), not only going for a walk/run, but handing small American flags and reminding citizens how our freedoms are not free.

You see, Rod Key is not only a Christian, father, and husband; Rod Key is also an old Marine having earned the rank of ‘Gunny’.

Each Independence Day, or, ‘Freedom Day’, Gunny Key and the walkers/runners of Momentum Run walk/run from the east side of the Rutherford County Square down East Main Street (towards MTSU) and back, handing out small American flags, reminding citizens how our freedom is not free.

After the run, Gunny key and several members walked around the Main Street Murfreesboro ‘Saturday Market’ around the Rutherford County Courthouse. All were grateful to receive their American flag, displaying the flags proudly. The Asian lady selling flowers, the African-American man with most awesome blueberries, the white man with a truckload of corn, and the older lady who came outside to get her newspaper. All smiled and said ‘good morning’ and thank you and gratefully received their gift.

MOMENTUM is a RUN training program founded by Fitness Trainers & RRCA Run Coaches Rod Key and Wayne Burns who are avid runners and have a passion to help people reach their personal fitness goals & become more active.

For more information, please contact Wayne Burns, Momentum Run Coach, at 615-202-2486.

Tags: MOMENTUM RUN Murfreesboro news
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