In past news stories you have likely heard about catalytic converter thefts throughout Rutherford County. A catalytic converter is part of a vehicles exhaust system that contains a catalyst for converting pollutant gases into less harmful ones. Now, the state of Tennessee is putting more teeth in arrests related to such thefts.
The Tennessee General Assembly last week unanimously passed legislation that aims to curb thefts of catalytic converters in the Volunteer State. In partnership with local and state law enforcement agencies, House Bill 1155 targets those who steal catalytic converters from cars.
The converters are being stolen because they contain a small amount of precious metals such as platinum and palladium that can be resold for about $75 to $150 each.
This new bill requires any entity engaged in buying these unattached parts to notify law enforcement of their purchases. This will support the creation of a registry, which will help suppress criminal activity in Tennessee.
House Bill 1155 heads to the governor’s desk for his signature.
Details of the New Bill:
Motor Vehicles - As introduced, requires persons engaged in the business of buying or selling used automobile parts to keep permanent records of such transactions involving unattached catalytic converters; requires persons engaged in the business of buying or selling unattached catalytic converters as a single item and not as part of a scrapped motor vehicle to register with the chief of police and sheriff of each city and county in with the activity is carried on. - Amends TCA Title 38; Title 55 and Title 62.
State of TN Legislature
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