For Sale: rear tine tiller $150; wood desk with 4 drawers $25; glide rocker with stool 631-6930
For Sale: Epiphone guitar; metal trailers 569-3971
For Sale: 1985 red Silverado pickup; 3000 Royal table saw; game hens/pea fowls 563-9844
For Sale: 19-inch TV $20 603-2474
For Sale: fresh eggs 556-8477
For Sale: 2 m3n's diamond rings; heater (electric) $75 617-3586
For Sale: 37 inch RCA color TV $50; 10-month old board goat $125 895-5746
Free: Walker hound, 26-months old, and has been fixed FREE to good home 585-3923
For Sale: aluminum full-size truck toolbox $60; 1996 For dMustang $1,900 979-2408