Wednesday Swap'n Shop

Jan 30, 2013 at 08:14 am by bryan

For Sale: Epiphone left handed Les Paul guitar; 500 rounds of 9mm ammunition; MS2 90 chain saw 663-3077

For Sale 19-inch TV $20 603-2474

For Sale: 4 Rubbermade ceral containers; 104 8 ounce cups $5; gas light (new) $35 631-6930

For Sale: Craftsman 10-inch bench saw; Pride lift chair; antique cherry rocker $75 893-5794

For Sale: 2003 Ford Expedition;Wants: set of steps with rails (for outoor pool) 578-7991

For Sale: 110 volt space heater $25; wardrobe/entertainment center with doors and drawers $50; Wants: mechanic to work on 2000 Chrysler 995-2766

Garage Sale: Thursday-Saturday, rain or shine—it's inside...1023 Netherland Dr. (25+ years of treasures) 890-4233

For Sale: refrigerator, trailer, freezer 593-5096

Sections: Swap and Shop