FOR SALE: Set of four 16 inch Ford pickup rims. 16 inch. Added chrome trim rings included. $75.00 for all.. 615-542-8522.
FOR SALE: Black and white prom dress $60, Brand new Curve perfume set $15 brand new career Barbies $15 each (615) 410-1372
FOR SALE: Black and white Royal Palm turkeys $75 a piece wooden porch swings with frame $50, small BBQ/ smoker $25 and border Collie dog, black and white house trained $50 call 615-956-4153
FREE: Free Firewood - Easy graveled drive to cut - up and load. Call 615-545-3911.
FOR SALE: Very cool mid-century modern mirror. Just over 42-inches tall and 21-inches wide. Solid wood frame.M’boro. $75. Call 615-479-8765
FOR SALE: Old 3 prong forks (10 total), Perfect for flipping pork chops! $60. Call 931-551-6620
FOR SALE: Titan Bush Hog (5’) $1,700, LONG brand Tiller ($,1200) Go-cart with LED lights for $2,700 - 615-663-5211
FOR SALE: 4 Vintage weather vanes.- John Deere RARE. Good shape for age, 34in tall Cast. $320. Mallard Duck 24in tall $160. Horse table top - Copper and brass Great shape 17in tall $100. Metal house sticks in ground about 3 feet tall for $40. Murfreesboro - call 615-513-6211.
FOR SALE: Vintage Texaco Fire Chief Metal Sign - $45 - Call (615) 295-0698