WANTED: Looking to buy a wheel for a 1995 Dodge 1500 pickup truck. Call (615) 423-7979
FOR SALE: Transfer Wheelchair for $25 - Call 615-524-1979
SERVICE: Would like to haul away any old appliances or scrap metal services free call 615-956-4153
FOR SALE: 2 portable clothes racks $35 each or both for $65-new (in box) leather top card/game table $70 original price $140. 615-653-9156.
FOR SALE: Washer and dryer for sale $200 for both or $100 each. 615-427-8672
FOR SALE: U.S. Silver Coins and ammunition and a building full of collectibles - 931-808-7045
WANTED: Wanted to buy 6-guinea hens Call 615-848-3590
SERVICE: Would like to haul away any old appliances or scrap metal call 615-956-4153 Services free
FOR SALE: 48" Bobcat walk behind lawnmower practically new 46.5 hrs - 615-653-9156
FOR SALE: Bolen riding mower everything works on it, but needs a drive belt put back on,I will take $100 for it - or best offer. Also, I have some running boards to fit a 2018 Ford Explorer $125 cash AND I have bed platforms still in the box - I'll take $50 a piece for them. Call me at 615-956-4153
WANT TO RENT: Looking to rent a small reasonable apartment or l room in a quiet neighborhood.I am 68 yr.old male 615- 524 - 1979
FOR SALE: brand new still in the box running boards for a 2018 Ford Explorer 125 cash Call 615-956-4153