(MURFREESBORO) This is the weekend to attend a locally written and produced play in the Washington Theatre at the Patterson Community Center, and learn about local history at the same time. "The Party of Twelve" is performed at 7:30PM Saturday night and a 3:00PM Sunday matinee (4/9-10, 2022). Tickets are available on-line at the Center for the Arts.
WGNS salutes the Rutherford Arts Alliance for preserving local history and stimulating the arts throughout Rutherford County.
"The Party of Twelve" is an original play that focuses on a diverse group of powerful women who made an impact on Rutherford County. It was created by Mary Donnet Johnson and commissioned by the Rutherford Arts Alliance. For more about the play, visit the Rutherford Arts Aliance website.
Honored by Mayor
Murfreesboro Mayor Shane McFarland recognized the Rutherford Arts Alliance with a proclamation that read:
WHEREAS, Rutherford Arts Alliance is 501(c )(3 ) nonprofit group created in 2018 with a mission to advocate for all aspects of our cultural community; promote Rutherford County as a cultural and heritage community and destination; communicate the social and economic impact of the arts; create opportunities for networking, collaboration, education, and economic success; and define current arts gaps and create a united front to address these gaps;
and WHEREAS, Rutherford Arts Alliance’s purpose is connecting creative and community. Partnering with individuals and organizations from a wide representation of government, education, business, wellness and beyond is foundational to success, and these successes elevate our community; and
WHEREAS, Rutherford Arts Alliance has worked in partnership with the City of Murfreesboro to expand public art resources and connections, as public art is an indicator of a vibrant city and the arts contribute towards economic strength and quality of life; and
WHEREAS, Rutherford Arts Alliance through its Leading Ladies of Rutherford County History: Women Who Inspire Us has commissioned an original, community-involved play, PARTY OF TWELVE by Mary Donnet Johnson. This play will premiere in Washington Theatre at Patterson Park Community Center on the weekend of April 8-10, 2022.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, SHANE MCFARLAND, MAYOR, of the City of MURFREESBORO, TENNESSEE, do hereby proclaim April 8-10, 2022 to recognize
and I urge all our citizens to join me in this worthy recognition.