Listen to the Murfreesboro City Council Political Forum, which previously aired "LIVE" on Friday, July 8, 2022

Jul 08, 2022 at 07:16 am by WGNS

NOTE: Early Voting is July 15 thru July 30, 2022. Election Day on August 4, 2022. Listen to the entire forum above. 

Guest (Candidates):
(Incumbent) Madelyn Scales Harris, Jami Averwater, Carolyn Cox, Austin Maxwell, Warren Russell, Ricky Turner, Samantha Sourinho

Questions Submitted by WGNS Listeners

Submitted via email, through the questionnaire and texts to WGNS:

  1. Is there a particular issue that motivates you to serve on the City Council?
  2. What particular experiences or skills have prepared you to serve as a council member?
  3. What do you believe is the biggest issue that Murfreesboro is facing?
  4. What solutions would you suggest to help solve the ongoing issues of both residential and commercial waste, as the life of the landfill in the Walter Hill area, comes to its final 5 to 6-years of operation?
  5. Do you believe continued growth of both businesses and residents is a good or bad thing?
  6. Do you believe downtown Murfreesboro needs more residential and retail areas within mixed use buildings? As an example (and outside of any current proposals or structures under construction), if a developer proposed to build a large multi-story building that included retail and restaurant space on the ground floor, offices on the second floor, followed by leased apartments on the third floor and then individually owned condominiums on the top floors – would you be for or against this? Why?  
  7. As a Murfreesboro City Council member, what would you propose to do first and why?
  8. We have heard that some new businesses have had a hard time cutting through red tape to open their doors to business.

    Some of the problems listed in an email to WGNS included:

    A. Landscaping requirements too stringent
    B. Commercial building façade requirements in the Gateway area (Medical Cntr. Pkwy.) and more
    C. Signage rules based on square footage: Some complain they can’t have a large enough sign
    D. Complaints over landscaping requirements that equal too much greenery blocking storefront

  9. When it comes to creating more jobs, how do you feel about private / public government partnerships? EXAMPLE: A company proposes to re-locate their headquarter office in Murfreesboro, which would create 100 jobs that pay between $100k to $250k annually. In their proposal, they ask for the City of Murfreesboro to pay for the land in which they build on. After X amount of years, the land would become the companies property – how would you propose to move forward?

  10. The Arts – How do you feel about public art, sculptors, paintings, etc? Should we have more of it in and around Murfreesboro? How would you make this happen?

  11. What particular experiences or skills have prepared you to serve as a council member?

  12. What do you believe is the biggest issue that Murfreesboro is facing?

  13. Transportation continues to be an issue and will be an issue for years to come as Murfreesboro continues to grow. Do you have any ideas on easing traffic congestion and solving some of the transportation problems we will continue to face?

  14. What is something that you feel is truly needed in our city? It could be the creation of more jobs? More housing, but what kind? More retail?

  15. If the city received a $1-million grant and IF it could be used for ANYTHING to better our community, what would is the first thing that comes to mind as to how it could be used?

  16. What is the first thing that comes to mind if someone asks, “What is your favorite thing about Murfreesboro?”

  17. First answer that comes to your mind: If you could change or add anything to Murfreesboro, what would it be?

Listen to the Rutherford County Mayor Political Forum Podcast HERE
Listen to the Rutherford County Juvenile Court Judge Political Forum Podcast HERE
Listen to the Rutherford County School Board Political Forum Podcast HERE.


Tags: city council candidates forum Murfreesboro City Council Murfreesboro news Murfreesboro political forum Rutherford County Tennessee TN
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