Snapshot: What are People Dreaming of in Tennessee and Beyond?

Mar 14, 2023 at 02:40 pm by WGNS News

There are numerous interpretations of dreams, and with the word "nightmare" receiving over 1.7 million average searches per month in 2022, researchers have sought to identify the most prevalent dreams in each state in 2023. National Sleep Day is this Friday, so the guys at  decided to examine Google search data from the previous 12 months to identify people's most common dreams in 2023.

In Tennessee, the most common occurring dreams, or nightmares – depending on how you view the subject, seem to be about UFO’s and aliens. Evidently, extraterrestrial lifeforms and unidentified flying objects are on the minds of residents in the Volunteer State when they are fast asleep. However, it is not surprising because Aliens, Dental issues, and Spanish Dreams rank number one across the United States. Tennessee has seen a 100% growth in dreams about aliens and UFO’s.

According to Google queries, dental dreams have seen a tremendous increase of 600% in Minnesota year after year. Numerous other states, including North Carolina, New Mexico, and Oregon, also experienced a significant rise in dental dreaming.

Seven states, including Alabama, Colorado, Massachusetts, and Texas, listed having an encounter with an extra-terrestrial among the most common dreams. Indiana experienced the most significant rise in alien inquiries, with a 250% increase. Again, Tennessee has seen a 100% increase in alien dreams.

Montana experiences some of the greatest year-over-year growth rates in dreams, with being naked seeing a staggering 600% rise in that state alone.

Methodology - To collect the data, keywords around dreams and sleeping were analyzed going back to March 2022. This revealed the overall number of searches for different types of dreams, in each state. During the study, dreams were ranked in each state based on Google Search Volumes, revealing the highest Year Over Year (YoY) increase across the country and in each state.


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Tags: dreaming dreams news nightmares Rutherford County Tennessee TN what dreams mean
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