Want to be a HAM RADIO operator? This is ARRL Field Day Weekend!

Jun 23, 2023 at 03:45 pm by WGNS


(SMYRNA, TN) Get ready for Amateur Radio Field Day at the Sharp Springs Park (311 Jefferson Pike; Smyrna, TN). It's this weekend--Saturday and Sunday, June 24-25, 2023. It's free and a great way to learn more about ham radio.

ARRL's Field Day is the largest on-the-air gathering of ham radio operators from both the United States and Canada. By the way, ARRL is an acronym for American Radio Relay League. In Rutherford County, the local event is sponsored by the Stones River Amateur Radio Club.

Club President Marvin Turner (FCC issued call-sign W0MET) noted, "It's a great opportunity for persons interested in the hobby and making friends around the world to learn more about ham radio. Plus, bringing area youth to Field Day is a great way to generate interest in a hobby."

Turner continued...

When tornadoes and other disasters knock down power lines and silence cell phones and internet, ham radio operators relay emergency information around town, to the next city or around the world...

Again, the ARRL Field Day is this weekend, and it's all over America and Canada. The local Field Day where you can learn more about amateur radio will be this weekend, Saturday and Sunday, June 24-25, 2023, at Sharp Springs Park in Smyrna. 

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