Local Pastor Brings Experiences of Life in West Africa to Tennessee

Jul 24, 2023 at 02:00 pm by WGNS News


MURFREESBORO, TN – A church pastor in Murfreesboro has an interesting story to tell... After graduating with a degree in engineering in Africa, Nicky Agyepong began working for mining companies that were searching for gold...

Before moving to Tennessee, the pastor lived and worked in West Africa, which has been the site of multiple conflicts and civil wars involving religious clashes, ethnic and cultural problems, political corruption and a myriad of blood across the land... He helped to unearth natural resources... The largest reserves in the world for cobalt, diamonds, platinum and uranium are in Africa. He highlighted how destructive conflict has been for Africa...

Fast-forward to today, he's referred to as Pastor Nicky at Holy Hill Chapel in Murfreesboro. There, the pastor has been able to bring his life experiences to his congregation, where church goers are just as diverse as his background...

SERVICES: This past Sunday, Pastor Nicky focused on solutions to worldly problems... Sunday services at Holy Hill Chapel at 1407 NW Broad Street in Murfreesboro are at 8 AM and 10 AM. Midweek service is on Wednesday night at 7 PM. Learn more at HolyHillChapelTN.org.

PODCASTS: Listen to podcasts of past sermons by visiting WGNSradio.com and clicking our podcast section. Look for Holy Hill Chapel to open a list of free downloadable podcast. Or, type in WGNSradio.com/HolyHillChapel.


Tags: Africa diverse Church Experiences Local Pastor Murfreesboro Churches Nicky Agyepong Pastor Nicky Pastor Niki Rutherford County Churches West Africa to Tennessee
Sections: News Holy Hill Chapel Podcast