Public Invited To 9/11 Ceremony at MTSU Monday

Sep 08, 2023 at 07:11 pm by WGNS

(MURFREESBORO)  Monday is Patriot Day, 9/11--a day we will always remember!

MTSU will be helping the community to remember the 9-11 victims with a special ceremony starting at 7:30AM this Monday morning (9/11/2023). The public is invited to attend the ceremony, which is free and at the Veterans Memorial outside the Tom H. Jackson Building, 628 Alma Mater Drive. Parking and the building location will be on the west side of campus near Middle Tennessee Boulevard. 
Due to scheduling conflicts, the program at the Rutherford County Sheriffs Office is on pause this year. 
Many Americans will remember what they were doing 22-years ago when that invasion of the United States on our soil began:
  • 8:46 AM – American Airlines' Flight 11 crashed into the World Trade Center’s North Tower. All passengers aboard are instantly killed, and persons were trapped about the 91st floor.  
  • 9:03 AM – United Airlines' Flight 175 crashed into the South Tower 17-minutes later. All passengers aboard are also killed instantly and along with an unknown number who were inside the World Trade Center. 
  • 9:37 AM – American Airlines' Flight 77 crashed into the Pentagon--killing all passengers instantly along with 125 civilian and military personnel in the Pentagon.  
  • 9:59 AM – The South Tower of the World Trade Center collapses.
  • 10:02 AM – United Airlines' Flight 93 slammed into an empty field in Shanksville, Pennsylvania. Although its target is unknown, more than likely it was either the White House or the US Capitol. Five-minutes earlier, passengers revolted and bravely rushed the cockpit. The pilot rolled the huge jet back and forth in an effort to destabalize the revolt. 
  • 10:28 AM – The World Trade Center's North Tower collapsed.
Airplane traffic, public and private, was stopped. Most radio and television broadcasts suddenly stopped and began covering the tragic events that were unfurling and gave it a local interpretation. 
WGNS reports that a local Murfreesboro mother got a call from her son who had just gone into a restaurant on the ground floor of the World Trade Center. He called her to tell of the commotion outside, but had no clue as to what was happening. The mother, who was here, was very much aware and told her son to "run away from that area". He did and they both are still in Murfreesboro. 
WGNS lost connection with our network news coverage, later to discover that it was transmitted to Murfreesboro from a satellite antenna that was on top of the World Trade Center. The local radio station was an Atlanta Braves affiliate and was able to get feeds from there. 
The public will also remember the firefighters, law enforcement officers and paramedics who died responding to the calls and the military who died fighting terrorism.
Rutherford County Sheriff’s Office created a memorial to the victims with donations and community help. The centerpiece is a 3,000-pound I-beam donated from Tower 1 of the World Trade Center pointed in the direction of New York City.
The Sheriff’s Office traditionally sponsored an annual ceremony remembering the tragedy each year since 2002 but the event will be paused this year due to scheduling conflicts.
Sheriff Mike Fitzhugh said the 9-11 memorial remembers the lives of the victims, emergency responders, civilians and military who gave their lives responding to the terrorists’ attacks and who protected Americans.
“We should always remember the sacrifices they made,” Fitzhugh said.
The Sheriff’s Office’s outside 9-11 Memorial is open daily for visitors at the Sheriff’s Office at 940 New Salem Highway in Murfreesboro.
Highlights of the memorial include:
  • Three pedestals hold the 3,000 pount I-beam from Tower 1 of the World Trade Center. The pedestals represent the firefighters, law enforcement officers and paramedics who died responding to help the World Trade Centers’ victims.
  • Four planters represent the victims who were aboard the four planes.
  • The debris under the I-beam shows some items people in the World Trade Center likely had in their offices.
  • Poles carry the American, Tennessee and military flags.
  • The monument is situated at a 30-degree angle and points toward New York City.
Again, this coming Monday (9/11/2023)--pause and reflect back on what you were doing 22-years ago. Also, reflect back on the phrase that united us all, "We will never forget!"
Tags: 911 attack on America MTSU RCSO Twin Towers WGNS
Sections: News