Murfreesboro Veterans Day 11AM Friday (11/10)

Oct 20, 2023 at 09:56 am by WGNS

Fri. (Nov. 10, 2023) 11:00AM The 27th Annual VETERANS DAY TRIBUTE at the Historic Rutherford County Courthouse on the Murfreesboro square.  Chaplain Ernest B. Newsom, retired Army, is the guest speaker. He served as a Dental assistant, Medic and social psychiatric assistant, and was later commissioned Navy LT., serving for 19 yrs. as Navy Chaplain. He is the 7th African-American in the Unted States to obtain the rank of NAVY CAPTAIN (06=full colonel) and first in state of Tennessee. The late Mrs. Elsie Stem will also be honored this year. She started Murfreesboro's VTERANS DAY TRIBUTE over 27-years ago in 1996. Barbara Smith Pitto continues that tradition. In the event you can not make this tribute in person, WGNS will broadcast the VETERANS DAY event "live" and place a recording on the radio station's website and podcast locations.  For more information, visit

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