.._. .._ _. Is The Mood For This Weekend At Barfield Park

Jan 25, 2024 at 10:54 pm by WGNS

(MURFREESBORO)  "What are all of those wires hanging from the tall poles at Barfield-Crescent Park's picnic pavillions"?  That's a question that's sure to be asked many times this coming Saturday (1/27/2024) as people drive-through the park. Local amateur radio operators will set-up at 11:00AM and be operational by 1:00PM. Members of the Stones River Amateur Radio Club indicated that at this point it was not known whether they would operate overnight Saturday or on Sunday. 

Mark Swiccord told WGNS, "Ham radios Winter Field Day takes place across the nation this Saturday. The local Stones River Amateur Radio Club will have stations broadcasting across the state and around the world from shelter #6 at the park." 

For persons interested in learning more about "amateur radio", they need to drop by this weekend's event and talk to enthusiasts who are using radios to communicate with others.

The local members will be making contacts (known as QSO's) with ham operators across town or in duistant countries that you usually only read about. 

Swiccord (KD4EF) stressed that there is no charge to attend and questions are welcome.  He also encouraged the public to visit their site on Saturday, since the local club might not be there overnight or on Sunday. 

Winter Field Day is sponsored by the Winter Field Day Association. We passionately believe that Ham radio operators should practice portable emergency communications in winter environments as the potential for freezing temperatures, snow, ice, and other hazards present unique operational concerns. WFD is formatted to help increase your level of preparedness for disasters and improve your operational skills in subpar conditions. Click here to read more about the history and purpose of winter field day.

Barfield Crescent Parks is at 697 Veterans Parkway in Murfreesboro.  Don't miss this weekend's ARRL Amateur Radio Winter Field Day. 


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