For Sale: 4HP 22-inch B&S lawnmower $75; retro bar with 2 stools $125; AM-FM, stereo, cassette (wooden console) 617-3586
For Sale: antique DR set $150 (table with 4 chairs); small table $50; LR set 887-3342
Wants: hospital queen size bed and wheel chair 895-0971
For Sale: plow works on 3 point hitch 896-4865
Garage Clean-Out: baby bed, car top carrier, trailer tow package 578-7991
For Sale: 36-inch TV, weed eater 818-2935
For Sale: bicycle (all sizes); antique bikes 867-1010
For Sale: organic compost for gardens 615-979-2199 (Mt. Juliet)
Wants: dorm size refrigerator 459-4881 (after 5PM)