Nice Try! Local Resident Outs Scam Caller Posing as Sheriff’s Sgt.

Sep 19, 2024 at 03:37 pm by WGNS News

RUTHERFORD COUNTY, TN - Sheriff's Departments all across the state are reporting more and more scams that target victims using the names of deputies and officers within their departments.

In one recent case that occurred in Rutherford County, it appears that someone’s scam game involved a local resident receiving a call from someone pretending to be Sheriff’s Sgt. Shawn Jones. The caller demanded money from the victim for supposedly missing jury duty or court. The catch that backfired on the scammer? The resident who got the call said they actually know Sgt. Jones and quickly realized the call was about as legitimate as a $3 bill.

Naturally, the would-be victim notified the real Sheriff’s Office, likely giving them a good laugh. Quick reminder: Sheriff’s deputies don’t moonlight as debt collectors for jury duty fines. If you get one of these calls, just hang up. No dramatic speeches necessary.

Another scam has been using the name of the Tennessee Sheriffs’ Association and involves the con-artist calling residents to solicit financial support. While it is a renewal period for the association and they have sent mailings to members, the TSA says they will NEVER call to solicit funds over the phone. If you receive a call from someone claiming to be with the Sheriff's Association, you're encouraged to call their office at 615-547-0277. Of course, you can also call your local Sheriff's Office to report the fraudsters.

The TSA reports there is no need to solicit funds over the phone because, “All renewals and donations can be made by going to”


Tags: fake sheriff fraudulent call hang up impersonation Jury Duty Scam local resident phone scam Rutherford County scam attempt scam awareness scam call Sgt. Shawn Jones Sheriff's Office
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