For Sale: sectional sofa; small DR set with antique chairs; Wants: 3 wheel handicap scooter 887-3342
Service: converts VHS tapes to DVD's; cassettes and LPs to CDs 631-9445
For Sale: Kenmore front-load clothes dryer, champagne color 631-4586
For Sale: 2 chase recliners, loveseat and TV all for $200 962-7136
Wants: TV converter box preferably with antenna 904-0591
For Sale: Craftsman 22-inch high wheel 6HP mower $40 424-1354
For Sale: 1986 Pontiac Firebird body 895-3160
For Sale: Hoveraround, 4-years old, good shape; bread maker 895-2037
Wants: mini van 865-964-8763
Free: TV; For Sale: FAX machine $20; toaster oven $10 other goodies 890-0707
For Sale: car carrier (fits on top of car); baby bed; mechanic's big tool box 578-7991
Service: will do yard work 931-619-2456
Wants: dorm-size refrigerator for church 459-4881 (after 4PM)