Survey: Illegal Immigration Top Concern Among House District 49 Residents

Oct 23, 2024 at 09:42 pm by WGNS News

NASHVILLE, Tenn. – Illegal immigration was the top concern of House District 49 residents in Smyrna and northern Murfreesboro who completed the 2024 legislative survey conducted by State Rep. Mike Sparks, R-Smyrna.

Half of all respondents listed illegal immigration as a top issue the state should address. Additionally, 86% said they feel Tennessee should do more to combat the problem.

“The federal government’s failure to properly secure our southern border is having disastrous consequences in cities and states across our nation,” Sparks said. “I was proud to support multiple new laws this year to combat this problem in Tennessee, and I am committed to looking for additional ways to protect our communities from the problems illegal immigration can cause.”

Illegal immigration cost American taxpayers an estimated $150.7 billion or more in 2023, according to information provided to the U.S. House Budget Committee.

State lawmakers allocated $6.4 million in the budget this year to fund the deployment of up to 5,000 Tennessee National Guard troops to help secure the southern border in Texas. Additional legislation that was approved included requiring police to notify federal authorities when they encounter an illegal immigrant, increasing the punishment for illegal immigrants convicted of violent crimes and strengthening protections against voter fraud.

Other top issues respondents listed included education, crime, health care, taxes, inflation/the economy and infrastructure. The survey was mailed in September to approximately 5,300 residents, included in the Murfreesboro Post, Murfreesboro Pulse and remains available online.

“Government works best when elected officials listen to those they represent,” Sparks said. “I encourage everyone in House District 49 to complete the survey and provide their feedback on the important issues facing our community and our state.”

State Rep. Mike Sparks represents House District 49, which includes Smyrna and northern Murfreesboro.


Tags: House District 49 Illegal immigrants immigration Mike Sparks news residents survey Tennessee TN Top Concern
Sections: News Smyrna News