Swap and Shop for Friday

May 10, 2013 at 08:16 am by bryan

 Online Estate Auction – LOTS OF STUFF for elderly person moving to assisted living 617-3586

For Sale: Two dining room sets with two oak chairs one for $70 and one for $40 and an Ashley sectional sofa. WANTED a scooter (three wheeled type) 615-887-3342

For Sale: 1999 Dodge Durango with a third row seat and it is a V8 in good shape for $2900 Or best offer, 615-730-2389

For Sale: 1998 Chevy S10 for $3,500 and selling a John Deere Push Mower and a Organ $100 – call me at 569-3971


For Sale: 12' Jon Boat with a Johnson Motor and a trolling motor for $1000 and a 10” Boys Bike in perfect shape with training wheels $15 – call 427-8365

YARD SALE: Saturday at 7AM 796-8627 – location 414 Applewood Lane – Mboro

For Sale: Hovaround and a breadmaker call 895-2037

For Sale: 8000 BTU Air Conditioner for $50 - 896-9179

Sections: Swap and Shop