Wednesday Swap'n Shop

May 29, 2013 at 09:02 am by bryan

Service: home movies to DVD's 569-0933

For Sale: 2 weed eaters $30 each; mixer; 7 watches 569-3971

For Sale: round table (needs refinished); 4 ladder back chairs; 4 ceiling fans 427-5899

Yard Sale: Thursday and Friday (6AM-?) @ 4432 Old Woodbury Pike and Mt. Herman Rd. (furnisture, antiques and more) 542-3003

For Sale: washer and dryer; Moped; trailer for lawnmower 753-4042

Yard Sale: all week (6:30AM-?) on Franklin Road (8-10 miles from town) with baby items and a variety 896-1698

For Sale: stainless steel side by side 25 cubic foot refrigerator; washer-dryer; Wants: rear tyne tiller (prefer 44-60-inch) for tractor 427-9488

Yard Sale: Friday and Saturday (7AM-?) on 1711 Leaf Ave. 962-7180

Service; will sit with elderly 867-4061

For Sale: house and lot (handyman special) 1.6-miles from MTSU 972-3333

For Sale: collapsible large dog pen $20 979-2408

Yard Sale: 114 Twin Oak Drive on Friday and Saturday (7AM-?)

For Sale: Cocso metal folding chairs $4 each (18); pop-up 6-man tent $40 506-8353  

Sections: Swap and Shop