For Sale: Posture-pedic twin size adjustable bed with massage unit ($2,000 new) $300; Batman, Harry Potter, Star War action figures; 19-inch Sanyo TV with remote control 617-3586
For Sale: sectional sofa $200; dinette set with 4 chairs 887-3342
Service: home movies to DVD; George Jones funeral; movie “Tammy Winette Story” 569-0933
For Sale: wooden BR set (does not have bed); upright freezer; 2 110-volt air conditioner 907-2045
For Sale: 42-inch 14.5HP riding mower; 2 young turkey 931-619-2456
For Sale: window AC $200; kitchen table and 3 chairs $60 893-5476
For Sale: 1984 Honda Goldwing 1100 522-1493
Service: will clean or sit with adults 995-1791
Wants: 2 x 4 metal post; post digger 865-964-8763
For Sale: 6,000 BTU window AC; 12,000 BTU AC; big screen TV $50 603-5315