Gage Arnett from Colton, Emma, Parker, Mom, Dad
Bobby Cason from mom and family
Drew Todd age 12 from Grandma and Papa
Swap and Shop for Wednesday (June 12, 2013)
For Rent: 3 BR, 2 bath home on highway 96 East in Lascassas School area 653-1579
Service: will sit with elderly (2-3 days per week) 867-4061
For Sale: wooden baby bed; car top carrier; glide hitch for trailer; Wants: 24-26-foot cover 578-7991
For Sale: 23HP, 54-inch zero turn John Deer mower; sectional sofa; Service: will mow lawns 427-9488
For Sale: 19-inch Sanyo TV with remote; power, adjustable, Posture-Pedic bed ($2,000 new) $300; 3 antique ironing boards $15 for all 617-3586
Yard Sale: 2107 Foxdale Drive 7AM-? This Saturday with 2 yards full of furniture, 20-year doll collection, tools and more 979-2408
For Sale: new 12-inch, 3 speed table fan $15; cordless phone $10; Brother's FAX copy machine 890-0707
Wants: electric fence poles; Service: will do bush-hogging 593-8422
Help Needed: teaching boys age 10-14 about cars and mowers, and they need someone to give mower for boys to fix 396-8073