Thursday Swap'n Shop

Jun 13, 2013 at 08:13 am by bryan

For Sale: power Posture-pedic bed ($2,000+ new) now $300; 19-inch Sanyo TV 617-3586

Yard Sale: 433 Jackson St. 9AM-? today and Friday with jellies jams and more 738-8441

For Sale: 8 x 12-foot cottage looking storage shed 893-3986

Wants: portable carport 962-3991

For Sale: 1991 Ford Temp, automatic with new tire; 8N Ford tractor with new tires; donkey 563-9844

For Sale: 6-inch gutter machine $3,500 207-1908

Yard Sale: 1711 Leaf Avenue 7AM-? Saturday 962-7180

Yard Sale: 7AM-? Friday and Saturday on Chandler Place 427-9488

For Sale: 2 jenny donkeys (6-8 weeks will have babies) $75; handy-man home near MTSU 972-3333

For Sale: Coca Cola machine (cans or bottles); ice machine (holds ice) 962-4288

Sections: Swap and Shop