Tuesday Swap'n Shop

Jun 18, 2013 at 08:12 am by bryan

For Sale: 3 men's diamond rings (total appraised value: $5,012.50) will sell for $2,500 617-3586

For Sale: vanity sink (dual bowl) $40; dozen big totes full of tools, books, toys $10 each 318-2007

For Sale: 1991 Tempo; 8N Ford tractor; donkey 563-9844

For Sale: 200-feet of privacy fence $100 ($10 per section); Service: mow yards 427-9488

For Sale: vinyl 12 x 8-foot shed large enough for riding mower 893-3986

For Sale: 3 wheel power scooter $500; dinette set 663-6741

Yard Sale: Saturday (8AM-?) at 2630 Tellyman Drive (Mission Ridge area, behind John Pittard School) 893-0909

For Sale: bicycles (boy's 24 inch, girl's 26 inch) 867-1010

Sections: Swap and Shop