Wants: reclining chair (leather, solid color); twin-size head board only (antique); For Sale: 3 men's diamond rings 617-3586
Yard Sale 8AM-? today-Sat at 433 Jackson St. 896-1798
For Sale: 1991 Ford Tempo; 8N Ford tractor with new tires; donkey 563-9844
Service: will sit with elderly 867-4061
For Sale: refrigerator, lawnmower 569-3971
Wants: mechanic to take starter off pickup and put new one on 865-964-8763
For Sale: 12 x 8-ft. Doll house cottage that's large enough to hold riding mower 893-3986
For Sale: steel 36-inch exterior door with frame $35; large aquarium with lights 979-2408
For Sale: 200 feet of privacy fence (you take down); Service: mow lawns 427-9488