Wednesday Swap'n Shop

Jun 26, 2013 at 08:36 am by bryan

For Sale: 6-foot grandfather clock $125 617-3586

Service: will sit with elderly 3-days per week 867-4061

For Sale: Frigidaire upright deep freezer $80; mowers and weed eaters 979-2408

For Sale: 1906 antique safe; Wants: someone to haul junk 896-7018

For Sale: DVD's 569-0933

Yard Sale: 3 families Friday and Saturday; For Sale: dog bowl; roll up bed 865-964-8763

For Sale: mulching kit for 30-inch riding mower; wooden swing set (will trade for push mower or chain saw) 971-4327

For Sale: 22 handgun with 4 ½ inch barrel 931-575-9861

For Sale: 10-inch bench saw (Craftsman) $75; bundle of sticks (free, cleaning out shop) 893-5794

For Sale: 3 wheel battery power scooter; LR suite $300; new microwave $20 887-3342


For Sale: 1982 International tractor $2,500 (or trade for running truck or car) 900-3988  

Sections: Swap and Shop