An Odd Flag that Resembles the American Flag is On Display at MTSU, Many Angered by Flags Appearance (see photo)

Oct 08, 2013 at 05:30 pm by bryan

Arrest Made (Tuesday, 10-8-13 Update): 

We have an update on the story involving the rainbow-colored flag that resembles the U-S flag, displayed at MTSU. An arrest has been made in the theft of the controversial flag from the James E. Walker Library. MTSU student Jacob Lisemby was charged with theft under five-hundred dollars by campus police. It's a misdemeanor and Lisemby will be in court November 25th to answer to the charges.


Monday 10-7-13 Update: 

We have an update for you on that controversial flag that WGNS told you about this past week on the MTSU campus. We have since confirmed that the LGBT flag that was hanging in the Walker Library that was in the likeness of the American flag is now missing.

Video surveillance in the library shows that the flag was taken down by a white male wearing a dark colored hoodie. The incident occurred on Saturday, just one day after the story hit WGNS. No known suspects have been identified at this point. 

See the original story below

A flag in the Walker Library on the MTSU campus is causing a bit of outrage among some members of the community. One resident WGNS’ Scott Walker spoke to on Thursday night was Philip Griffin. He told us that he was irritated that the American flag would be treated in such a manner.  

WGNS observed that the flag in question looks similar to an American flag and has 50 stars on a blue background, but the stripes are a bit unusual. The stripes are not your typical red and white colors that represent America. The stripes are instead red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple.

The flag in question and several other key items in the MTSU library are part of the LGBT History Month display put together by the MTSU Lambda organization. For those who are curious, LGBT stands for “Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender.” According to the Fall 2013 Lambda Newsletter, the flag will be up all month long along with other Lambda paraphernalia that dates back to the organizations first year at MTSU in 1988.

Griffin told us it was not the LGBT issue that bothered him, it was instead the fact that the American flag was represented and displayed in an improper manner on the MTSU campus. Another person, who told us they would prefer to remain anonymous, stated, “The American flag stands for the men and women who fought and died for our country, and it saddens my heart to see it in colors that don’t resemble what they were originally designed to represent.”

Murfreesboro business owner Daniel Gammon commented...

The red stands for the blood that was shed in war while Americans fought for our country. The red also represents the courage of the brave men and women who serve our country today. Blue equals justice and freedom. White stands for something that many feel is lost in this day and age: Purity.

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