"Peace and Justice Art Competition" in City Hall Rotunda

Jan 09, 2014 at 06:56 pm by bryan

"The Murfreesboro Peace and Justice Art Project" features works of all ages of students who attend schools directed by the Rutherford County Board of Education. The show is on display now through February 7th on weekdays from 8:00AM to 4:30PM in the rotunda of the Murfreesboro City Hall.

Prior to the presentation, the rotunda pulsated with music as dancers presented a visual interpretation of the diversity in this community. This segment was choreographed by Tirra Truthseeker Hargrow. It featured Diondra and Kimberley Brooks, Lee Ann Carmack Jennifer and Krislee Griffith, Kim Hillsman, Becky Hornsby, Shelly Rae, and Terry Summers.


(above left photo) Murfreesboro Mayor Tommy Bragg welcomed everyone to the awards presentation in the City Council chambers. MTSU's Pidge Cash, coordinator of the "Peace and Justice Project" (above middle photo) explained that the theme was "Branches of one tree, rooted in love".  Rutherford Deputy to the Mayor Jeff Davidson spoke on behalf of the county government. (above right photo) 

The project was organized in May, 2013 to promote peace in this community. It is a creative collaborative of a cross section of residents in the arts, public education, community volunteers, ministers and MTSU. 

This is the show for county school students, however--students who attend Murfreesboro City Schools will have a similar themed show in the rotunda on March 18th through May 2nd. Then the top entries from the county and city schools will have their work displayed at MTSU in July. 

Best In the Show

11th grade Central Magnet student Kristin Marn won the "Best in the Show" award. Oakland High 12th grader Savannah Moss placed second. Third place went to Oakland 11th grader Taylor Harrell. 

Grades 9-12

First place in the grades 9-12 category went to Oakland High School twelfth grader Emily Harris. Second place went to Central Magnet School tenth grader Grace Hayes. Third award presented to tenth grader Jared Shelton from Central Magnet School. 

Middle School 

In the middle school category, first place went to 8th grader Hannah Middleton of Central Magnet School. Second place honors were presented to Smyrna Middle School sixth grader Heather Gilliland. 

Elementary School 

Buchanan Elementary School fourth grader Leah Seeker took first place honors at the elementary school level. 

Schools and Teachers

The "Best School" award went to Central Magnet School. First place among teachers was Oakland High School's Frank Baugh who had the most students participating. Second place among teachers was Dennis Greenwell at Central Magnet School. And the third top teacher award went to Smyrna Middle School's Rebecca Phelps. 

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